Thursday, 16 October 2014

A Journey Into Oils

I'm sure other artists have experienced this but for me it was early 2014 when I realised  I wasn't  developing as an artist and I was painting what I knew, what came easy and what was well within my confort zone.  Then I had a light bulb moment...... and May 2014 saw me purchase a set of Cobra oils following the Max Hale demo at my gallery Studio 61 Gallery - Karina Goodman where inspiration kicked in.  

The transition from Watercolours to Oils wasn't an easy one. For a start I have a tube of White and I learnt that in oils you work from dark to light whereas watercolours you start with white, which is the paper and darks go on last. Well weird! Also I had a metal thing called a palette knife!!! A very new learning curve but I am enjoying the journey so much. Still early days but my first one sold before I had finished it and  all my commission customers since want it in oils, so to say I am encouraged is an understatement. 

Looking back the early ones were a bit basic but eh I was having fun practising.  I can't tell you how many tubes of white I have gone through and purple has been ordered a few times but I'm happy to say I mix my own now...get me!  

I struggle to to be disciplined and paint from a photo and prefer to use images in my head .... places I've walked with Bruno, both Peak District and coastal paths.

This is my only painting from a photograph - Beeley Moor,  (did it in the browns and greens  but wasn't me so went over it in my pinks and purples) fave dog walk place and kids and I had many happy hours playing in the brook when they were small.  The original sold too xx

Summer in Cornwall and walking the coastal path inspired quite a few paintings.. this one is called Summer Skies

As Autumn is setting in, my favourite season, my palette has changed and I'm getting braver

This past week has seen many misty mornings and my palette has changed again

It makes me wonder where Winter will take me?

I have lots more to show but dont want to bore so if you are in the Derbyshire area then you are welcome to pop in for coffee and have a peek at my new work...or they are online

Thank you for reading .. Karina x