Wednesday, 1 October 2014

October Artist In a Window Greenhalgh Glass

With autumn upon us we think we found the perfect artists for our window Joy and Darrell Greenhalgh's stunning bespoke glass pieces really set the mood of the season. Two pieces sold as we were trying to put them in the window so you better be quick if you want to view! 

Joy and Darrell Greenhalgh use glass making processes that are totally unique to them ~"trade secrets"~ developed  through more than 25 years of experience and experimentation. They create exclusive glass art by combining the unequalled magic of these unique making processes with truely inspirational designs . Layers of glass and precious metals~ 24ct Gold, Platinum and Silver ~ are  fired together in a kiln for three or more days at almost a thousand degrees centigrade. This forms rich, vibrant and reflective imagery that is full of life. Moment by moment, interplaying with every shift of  light, the artworks present something new and beautiful to look at .......... always .

The display is on throughout October and we have a couple of events you can come to this coming week so you can view this stunning display of craftsmanship as well as get involved in some art yourself, this Sunday 5th Oct we have two demos in oil by leading artist Max Hale £12 donation on the door per demo, and Tuesday Oct 7th we have the return of The Big Draw, 10 - 12pm come along for this free event and try your hand at drawing here at the gallery this is part of a global charity campaign to get drawing for fun back into our lives no experience needed.
And if that wasnt enough we have the fabulous abstracts by Guest Artist Heather Duncan now on display. For all up to date information follow us on Facebook